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Another levelling question for you Role Players


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What do you guys think of THIS idea for a role player?


I'm returning to Oblivion after at least 18 months away. As a role player, I found the levelling system last time around SO completely annoying. Levelling mods helped a little, but ultimately I turned to console commands to round-out my player's abilities and make the combat environment more to my tastes.


Looks like with this mod you still gain skills and attributes. I'm seriously considering this unless I can find a levelling system that truly feels natural.

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good point. To me your typical wildlife creatures should get easier to kill in time, versus the current system where they can get tougher if you don't develop the right skills and attributes as you level up. I think certain key villains should be more difficult than others. I.e. You may have to wait to face certain key quests until your skills have developed enough to handle it. Also I think any quest should be playable at any level (the linked mod doesnt solve that so there is one issue with the mod already) and any weapon or item should be unlevelled (mods already available for that).


Is my original link working?

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Being a roleplayer for the past ten years now, I'm personally against a 'no leveling' system myself, unless it was handled much like the old Ultima Online. For those that never played UO here's a quick run-down of how their 'leveling' system worked.


Instead of character levels you had skill levels, kind of like Oblivion I guess. You could raise any skill you desired, but you could only have a total of 700 Skill points. (each skill maxed out at 100, so you could have 7 skills at 100, or 14 skills at 50, blah blah) Skills where raised by use. So, if you wanted to be a smith/miner, the more you mined and crafted the higher those two skills would raise.


So, while there was still character advancements you had no level 1 or level 80 or level 50.


In my opinion, that's how I would like to see more games handle character advancements, not through grinding and powerleveling, but through use of your skills (again, similar to Oblivion, but add a limit to the skills and knock out the levels)


All in all, I'd have to say yes to a leveling mod... just with a different approach.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Being a roleplayer for the past ten years now, I'm personally against a 'no leveling' system myself, unless it was handled much like the old Ultima Online. For those that never played UO here's a quick run-down of how their 'leveling' system worked.


Instead of character levels you had skill levels, kind of like Oblivion I guess. You could raise any skill you desired, but you could only have a total of 700 Skill points. (each skill maxed out at 100, so you could have 7 skills at 100, or 14 skills at 50, blah blah) Skills where raised by use. So, if you wanted to be a smith/miner, the more you mined and crafted the higher those two skills would raise.


So, while there was still character advancements you had no level 1 or level 80 or level 50.


In my opinion, that's how I would like to see more games handle character advancements, not through grinding and powerleveling, but through use of your skills (again, similar to Oblivion, but add a limit to the skills and knock out the levels)


All in all, I'd have to say yes to a leveling mod... just with a different approach.


EXACTLY! That's exactly what I think.

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