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Encharntment not removed from player


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I have a problem: my player has all the enchantments of wraithguard and sunder applied while they're not actually being worn. If I equip wraithguard and sunder, the enchantments stack (useful, but not so nice not being able to get rid of them!)

I tried the player->removespelleffects command, but that didn't work as it's not a spell. Any other ideas? (also I cannot load save files in the editor, anyone know how to fix this?)

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Well, it's obvious you're somewhat experienced, so I won't bore you with the step-by-step or spoonfeed you the exact commands you need in full. The function you need in this case is RemoveEffects -- you'll need to use it for each spell effect given by the tools, and if things like your birthsign overlap with the enchantments in terms of effects used, you can use a simple AddSpell line or two to retrieve the missing abilities. RemoveEffects takes a single numeric argument that represents the effects you want to manually remove. What follows is a translation chart -- blatantly ripped from Morrowind Scripting for Dummies -- that shows what effect is bound to what number:




Magic Effect List


For the function GetEffect, you need the ID-string itself (e.g. GetEffect sEffectWaterBreathing). For the RemoveEffects function, the effect number is used (e.g. RemoveEffects 0)


0 => sEffectWaterBreathing

1 => sEffectSwiftSwim

2 => sEffectWaterWalking

3 => sEffectShield

4 => sEffectFireShield

5 => sEffectLightningShield

6 => sEffectFrostShield

7 => sEffectBurden

8 => sEffectFeather

9 => sEffectJump

10 => sEffectLevitate

11 => sEffectSlowFall

12 => sEffectLock

13 => sEffectOpen

14 => sEffectFireDamage

15 => sEffectShockDamage

16 => sEffectFrostDamage

17 => sEffectDrainAttribute

18 => sEffectDrainHealth

19 => sEffectDrainSpellpoints

20 => sEffectDrainFatigue

21 => sEffectDrainSkill

22 => sEffectDamageAttribute

23 => sEffectDamageHealth

24 => sEffectDamageMagicka

25 => sEffectDamageFatigue

26 => sEffectDamageSkill

27 => sEffectPoison

28 => sEffectWeaknessToFire

29 => sEffectWeaknessToFrost

30 => sEffectWeaknessToShock

31 => sEffectWeaknessToMagicka

32 => sEffectWeaknessToCommonDisease

33 => sEffectWeaknessToBlightDisease

34 => sEffectWeaknessToCorprusDisease

35 => sEffectWeaknessToPoison

36 => sEffectWeaknessToNormalWeapons

37 => sEffectDisintegrateWeapon

38 => sEffectDisintegrateArmor

39 => sEffectInvisibility

40 => sEffectChameleon

41 => sEffectLight

42 => sEffectSanctuary

43 => sEffectNightEye

44 => sEffectCharm

45 => sEffectParalyze

46 => sEffectSilence

47 => sEffectBlind

48 => sEffectSound

49 => sEffectCalmHumanoid

50 => sEffectCalmCreature

51 => sEffectFrenzyHumanoid

52 => sEffectFrenzyCreature

53 => sEffectDemoralizeHumanoid

54 => sEffectDemoralizeCreature

55 => sEffectRallyHumanoid

56 => sEffectRallyCreature

57 => sEffectDispel

58 => sEffectSoultrap

59 => sEffectTelekinesis

60 => sEffectMark

61 => sEffectRecall

62 => sEffectDivineIntervention

63 => sEffectAlmsiviIntervention

64 => sEffectDetectAnimal

65 => sEffectDetectEnchantment

66 => sEffectDetectKey

67 => sEffectSpellAbsorption

68 => sEffectReflect

69 => sEffectCureCommonDisease

70 => sEffectCureBlightDisease

71 => sEffectCureCorprusDisease

72 => sEffectCurePoison

73 => sEffectCureParalyzation

74 => sEffectRestoreAttribute

75 => sEffectRestoreHealth

76 => sEffectRestoreSpellPoints

77 => sEffectRestoreFatigue

78 => sEffectRestoreSkill

79 => sEffectFortifyAttribute

80 => sEffectFortifyHealth

81 => sEffectFortifySpellpoints

82 => sEffectFortifyFatigue

83 => sEffectFortifySkill

84 => sEffectFortifyMagickaMultiplier

85 => sEffectAbsorbAttribute

86 => sEffectAbsorbHealth

87 => sEffectAbsorbSpellPoints

88 => sEffectAbsorbFatigue

89 => sEffectAbsorbSkill

90 => sEffectResistFire

91 => sEffectResistFrost

92 => sEffectResistShock

93 => sEffectResistMagicka

94 => sEffectResistCommonDisease

95 => sEffectResistBlightDisease

96 => sEffectResistCorprusDisease

97 => sEffectResistPoison

98 => sEffectResistNormalWeapons

99 => sEffectResistParalysis

100 => sEffectRemoveCurse

101 => sEffectTurnUndead

102 => sEffectSummonScamp

103 => sEffectSummonClannfear

104 => sEffectSummonDaedroth

105 => sEffectSummonDremora

106 => sEffectSummonAncestralGhost

107 => sEffectSummonSkeletalMinion

108 => sEffectSummonLeastBonewalker

109 => sEffectSummonGreaterBonewalker

110 => sEffectSummonBonelord

111 => sEffectSummonWingedTwilight

112 => sEffectSummonHunger

113 => sEffectSummonGoldensaint

114 => sEffectSummonFlameAtronach

115 => sEffectSummonFrostAtronach

116 => sEffectSummonStormAtronach

117 => sEffectFortifyAttackBonus

118 => sEffectCommandCreatures

119 => sEffectCommandHumanoids

120 => sEffectBoundDagger

121 => sEffectBoundLongsword

122 => sEffectBoundMace

123 => sEffectBoundBattleAxe

124 => sEffectBoundSpear

125 => sEffectBoundLongbow

126 => sEffectExtraSpell

127 => sEffectBoundCuirass

128 => sEffectBoundHelm

129 => sEffectBoundBoots

130 => sEffectBoundShield

131 => sEffectBoundGloves

132 => sEffectCorpus

133 => sEffectVampirism

134 => sEffectSummonCenturionSphere

135 => sEffectSunDamage

136 => sEffectStuntedMagicka


Now then, regarding the savegame editing... The CS isn't made to do such things. It will only create and modify ESP files (and, by extension, ESMs). And, though it can be said that ESS and ESP files are similar in structure, ESPs lack certain elements that are unique to ESS files and vice versa, making the simple renaming and editing of ESS files via the CS more-or-less out of the question. What you need is a third-party tool like Morrowind Enchanted Editor -- MWEE is a low-level editor that deals with the actual hex code and structural elements behind plugins, and was programmed with save file editing in mind.

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Thanks, the remove part works fine...

However, the game won't allow me to add the birthsign or character abilities (lady's favor and grace, resist fire_75). It will allow me to add other spells, and I could remove these (I did remove them before using removeeffects, but it didn't help.

I also tried using enablebirthmenu (I think, opens the birthsign menu). This allowed me to change my character if I wanted and brought back the spells, but I get the idea it reset a lot of stuff, like the blight storms (I'd finished the main plot at this point). (so I reloaded a save...)

Does anyone know how to get around this, or where I can get a savegame editor?

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