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My first script - Vampire can not rest - Scripters advice needed!


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Hello Scripters,


this is my first script ever, so I am really starting from zero. I do not want a vampire to regenerate health while sleeping so:


I am working on the script "PlayerSleepQuestScript" in this sction:


Event OnSleepStop(bool abInterrupted)


; debug.trace(self + "Player is sleeping")

If CHScript.PlayerHasBeastBlood == 1

; Debug.Trace(Self + "Player is werewolf; no restedness on sleep.")




I want to copy it and alter it for a vampire like that:


Event OnSleepStop(bool abInterrupted)


; debug.trace(self + "Player is sleeping")

If CHScript.PlayerHasBeastBlood == 1

; Debug.Trace(Self + "Player is werewolf; no restedness on sleep.")



If CHScript.PlayerHasVampireBlood == 1

; Debug.Trace(Self + "Player is vampire; no restedness on sleep.")




Will the engine understand "If CHScript.PlayerHasVampireBlood == 1" ??

Or do I need to write a script "CHSript.PlayerHasBeastBlood"

and where do I find the original "CHScript.PlayerHasBeastBlood"


Sorry for the very basic questions, but I have to start from somewhere. ;)



Greetings, Christian

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Will the engine understand "If CHScript.PlayerHasVampireBlood == 1" ??


Nope, coz there's no such property.


Or do I need to write a script "CHSript.PlayerHasBeastBlood"


Nope. That's a property, not a script.


and where do I find the original "CHScript.PlayerHasBeastBlood"


It's a property, in CompanionsHouseKeepingScript.psc

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Will the engine understand "If CHScript.PlayerHasVampireBlood == 1" ??


Nope, coz there's no such property.


Or do I need to write a script "CHSript.PlayerHasBeastBlood"


Nope. That's a property, not a script.


and where do I find the original "CHScript.PlayerHasBeastBlood"


It's a property, in CompanionsHouseKeepingScript.psc


Hello Steve,


thx for your advice.


Now I am at least one step ahead. Okay, "PlayerhasVampireBlood" property is not existing and since the "PlayerhasBeastBlodd" property


is in the houskeepingscript it does not look like a easy task.


Is there a way to get such a property in the game, without messing everything up?


Or is there a easier way to prevent a vampire from regenerating when sleeping?



Thx so far.


Grettings, Christian

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