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I really love custom npc, there's Flo an old custom npc that's still works thanks to unofficial update by HeyIt'sDuke! I like how Flo's concept, but sadly it only came in boring schedule and dialogue, also no heart events, and seemingly will never get any official update.

I'm plannig to revive it and make Flo an interesting character, I'm not really understand with coding, however I could learn on SDV wiki about modding and other references existing custom npc mod, I did expand Flo a bit, I add better schedule each day and some specific day, I also add him on all of the festivals, and lastly I add more dialogue depends on his schedule and heart level, I did scale it 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and even 10 heart level for dialogue, I also add different dialogue before festival and at festival itself on second and third year for him, so he will looks like have character development each year, all of the expansion that I did is also depends on the lore of SDV, I make him talk about the town and the villager by his perspectives and will change his judge along with his heart level.
Where do I need to get the permission for expand this mod? if maybe someday I will upload it as expanded or updated custom npc Flo. Thank you :laugh:

Edited by maxtron2000x
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I would assume it would be best to send a message to the mod creator, but it seems like they haven't been on since 2016-2017. You might have more luck trying to reach them on the chucklefish community forums, though it seems like they aren't replying there either.

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