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copy and paste in updated mod manager


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hello fellow mod-users , i was just wondering if there was any way to simply copy mods from the outdated version and paste them to the new updated version of the mod manager.

it would save me a lot of time as i have more then a couple of mods to copy and paste.

Any help or information will be greatly appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey there I dont know if you still looking for help, but there is a way yes.


Uhm when you download the newest version you have a .rar or a .zip file you need to unpack that into that file where is the old version it will ask if you wana replace some data then you need to click yes and it should replace the old files with the new your profiles and enabeld mods should be save then. Hops that helped if you need a better guid just tell me :)

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