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Achievements still working after using mods?


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I have tried the search function but i have yet to find a post that gives me clarification.


I want to know if mods are disabeling or influencing the achievement system in the game and e.g. let you not get the impossible achievement if you have modded your files after playing through?


In detail I want to use this:




And I wannt to only use the following 3 options:

- no dissapprearing corpse

- choosing ranks once promoted

- choosing gender and nationality of new recruits


Also I wanna know if by any chance or by another mod I can choose which gender my starting squad should have on those 4 characters.


I'd appreciate any help!

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I haven't done anything to disable achievements and during testing I accidently got the achievement:

Flight of the Valkyries

Win a mission with an all-female squad. Single player only.


So I wouldn't expect any other achievements to be affected, but I make no guarantees :)


The gender probability affects the four starting soldiers, so why not use that? If you want 2 males and 2 females, set it to 50/50. If you don't get the genders you want, start a new game and try again; you haven't lost anything :) . Unless I misunderstood what you meant.

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Alright I have one more questions then:


If i set the gender probability to 100% female I will get 4 females at the start of the first mission if I understand that correctly. But so will be all my other recruits that i get afterwards right? If so can I change that the way that i get 100% female in my starting mission and like 75% later on?


Thanks :)

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can I change that the way that i get 100% female in my starting mission and like 75% later on?

Yep, just set it to 100% female and start a new game.

Save and exit the game.

Change it to 75% female.

Load game.

All new recruits will be 75% female. You can change the settings any time you want and it will use the current settings. This goes for any of the recruitment settings.


Character generation takes place 3 days after you hire new soldiers :)


For promotion, it will use the setting at the time of completing a mission.

Edited by bokauk
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Alright awesome!


Thanks for the quick clarification :)


I want to suggest the addition for another feature:


Locked Armor Customization Options.


For example settings the color for Armor always on 11 or setting the race to one specific everytime as well as which armorset to use 1/2 all the time etc. Would that be possible and could you add this feature?

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