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Quest Glitch/Problems


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I've had a problem with the Quest Diplomatic Immunity the problem starts when i enter the Thalmor Embassy instead of being greeted properly by Elewynn she makes some pompass statement about what she does, instead of greeting me and then Malborn distracts her this happens if i manage to enter before the drunk does sometimes if i enter exactly the same time but couple with this is that none of the other guests are there.


I'm using the PC version of Skyrim and know how to use the console key aka tilte key i just don't know the command that will forward the quest so i can get malborn to unlock the door behind the bar, what i usually have to do is enter in the console is unlock after clicking on door(s)


what is also strange that i cannot give the drink to the drunk also the wait command doesn't work it just says cannot wait in this area (any area for that matter) and i've had to kill my temp. saves and restart the quest i just don't know what causing this to happen.


any suggestion would be nice.


Thanks in Advance.


P.S. this error isn't covered in the Wiki or game sites as part of the walkthroughs

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