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Is it possible to make a chest un-lockable only with a perk?


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Hi all,


I have a mod that has a unique player owned chest that I only want them to have access to if they have a specific perk that is included in the mod. All the pieces are already there (perk & chest etc.) but I need a condition added to the chest that will only allow it to be opened if the player has the appropriate perk. I don't want to use a key since the perk relies on completing a quest, some having completed it before installing the mod. So, that's my question: Can a chest be unlocked only if one has a certain perk, and if so how.



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Hey...that's actually a great idea, thanks Grimoa! That would should work as I've already added a custom forge, plus the perk is already required to forge any of the pieces. Thanks again...that might just be exactly what I'll do.
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