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Compatability between wrye bash and steam workshop?


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I Was wondering the extent of compatability between the two. Right now I have around 80 or so mods with wrye bash (didn't count specifically but it's 73, but it's like 1 a-f, then 1-9, etc), and there are a couple mods that are on the workshop but not on the nexus! Ex. A nice arena mod, and some very nicely made places.


Right now if I so much as move a file in the load order, or really touch the files whatsoever, then the game will not even start, and after I get it running I have to weed out various causes for crashes, and then finally hours later I once again have an entirely stable skyrim!


The fact I have no control (from what I understand) ok steam workshop, has anyone tried it? Will I be able to manage them with wrye bash once installed?


I have spent time looking for answers myself, so I'm not entirely clueless, but none have had answers for the critical questions I've found :(


Anyway, thank you for your time, any news or information is greatly appreciated. Unless I get information stating otherwise I'm planning on testing the waters in a few days when I'm back home, just wanted to get any advice ahead of time!



Thank you for reading, as well as any information you might have, and have a wonderful day! ^_^

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