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More indepth Hearthfire


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Hey, Ive been looking for awhile and still havent seen anything similar, but I would like to see a mod that allows the player to higher guards for his property/homes, build walls and guard towers for properties, and be able to customize the guards with equipment the player gives them, and make it so when building the hearfire homes, the player dosnt have to choose between 3 options per wing, but has the option of all 9 for any of the wings if it was not previously selected for a different wing. I know thats quite a lot of modding and content, but it would make the hearthfire experience more indepth, make even the ability to sell crops/goods from your forge to merchants to make an income and be part of the economy :rolleyes:, that would complete the hearthfire experience in my opinion. Hope someone is willing to take this on, because it would be awesome.



Thanks Huh864

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