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Skyrim CTD at the beginning!


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There are some mods that just don't play well with the Helgen 'tutorial' part of the game. I recommend not adding mods until you are finished with that part of the game. :rolleyes:


Oh gosh, I just spent a full 5 hours yesterday loading mods bit by bit (on Mod Organizer) just to see if the game crashes at the Helgen game start scene. Would have saved a heck load of a time if I saw this earlier! :biggrin:


One thing that consistently helped was setting the uGrids to 5. (down from 7)


And yes, since I bought the game on New Year's eve, I spent at least a hundred hours reading up on mods, STEP, Wrye Bash (mod organizer seemed easier), and getting them to friggin work. I've still yet to even reach High Hrothgar, heh

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