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Wraiths won't attack!


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I'm trying to beef up a wraith into a kind of super wraith, but it isn't doing mele attacks. It was moded fro a wraith with a weapon, uses combat style 'defaultwraithweapon' and has a death item 'LL0CrWeaponDremora6Valkynaz'. At te first few test it woild be swinging a daetric weapon at me, but now it will only cast spells and the weapon does not appear. Any ideas on what is going wrong?
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Yes, weapon and shield is enabled. I always thought 'death item' determined what weapon is used. Either way, I have a weapon both in inventory and as death item but no result. For some reason he wont make mele attacks at all. Even unarmed wraiths will strike at you, but this one only uses spells. He was using a weapon and mele attacking at first, but on some fluke when he tried to go through a door he died and dropped it. After that incident, every time I reloaded or retested, he appears without it and is strictly a spellslinger.
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