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No more Coughing


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Please i request a simple mod to stop coughing sounds from my character,it keeps coughing every 2 sec's ,even in combat.

I tried curing it ,visiting and using shines and even completed some quests on hope it goes away by itself but no use (there are no active diseases) ,so if anyone can help me with a mod to delete this damn sound i would be extremely thankful.


Thank you in advance

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Are you using mod which adds that effect?

I've never heard my character coughing.


I'd say its either bug within certain mod or maybe you skipped the uninstallation guide of one mod?


To me that sounds like some sort of extra-realism mod which edits diseases?


Thanks for the response.


I have used this mod before

The Oblivion Realms Serie which is very good quest line- if it is not bugged -but i disabled it then deleted it but still the same bug.


The coughing sound is in game files, i heard some npc coughing one or two times before but it is not constant. i tried console but no luck.


so i need some mod to disable using this file XD

Edited by mpsv
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In my game I know Lydia, Jordis and Illia seems to have a persistant cough...I've often wondered if they've contracted some awful skeever disease. I head the cough as though its comming from their direction if I have one of them with me but not when I'm alone.
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In my game I know Lydia, Jordis and Illia seems to have a persistant cough...I've often wondered if they've contracted some awful skeever disease. I head the cough as though its comming from their direction if I have one of them with me but not when I'm alone.

I wish it was because of my followers ,i dismissed them but still same effect ,i moved the camera to my character and each time it coughs ,its mouth animation is activated.

If anyone has any clue how to stop it then please guide me.


it is very very very very annoying problem. only solution in hand now is to disable voices from menu but you won't be able to hear any other npc's as well.

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Okay, here's one idea.


Try to catch 'em all diseases (or one by one), and when you get the disease, cure it normally.


If it's effect added by disease, it could be "over-"/"rewritten", and thus it would replace the old coughing thing, and get removed when you cure disease.

Don't use console to add those diseases, it's will just bug up more your game.

Again, I don't know if it's disease which adds that coughing.

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Okay, here's one idea.


Try to catch 'em all diseases (or one by one), and when you get the disease, cure it normally.


If it's effect added by disease, it could be "over-"/"rewritten", and thus it would replace the old coughing thing, and get removed when you cure disease.

Don't use console to add those diseases, it's will just bug up more your game.

Again, I don't know if it's disease which adds that coughing.


Thank you.

I will try and see if it helps.

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