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Dragonpriest mask kills me! need help please


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Apparently I have a mod that changes the stats of dragonpriest masks.

It changes the stats of "rahgot" from +70 stamina to: +25 stamina and 2% chance to instantly kill an enemy with a 2handed weapon.


I dont remember downloading a mod that changes this so could anyone tell me which mod does this ?


EDIT: I found out which mod it is: Skyrim redone http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9286 But I didnt know that this mod also changes dragonpriest masks.


OK so the problem is , when I equip this mask at the same time as a 2handed weapon (battleaxe, greatsword, maul, dont konw about bows though.) my character dies.

does not matter in which order I equip them he still dies. Except when I use god mode then he does not die.


So I think the problem is with the 2% chance to instantly kill an enemy because thats what makes the most sense to me.


Obviously this mask is very good and since im currently training the 2handed skill I would like to use this mask.


So could anyone tell me how I can fix this or something please ??

Edited by zanderb14
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