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Help for amazing looking characters in skyrim >.< do i need


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i want to make my characters much more beautiful then the vanila version


i downloaded already many cosmetic mods to enhance my character^^


but i still see much more amazing screenshots like:




i don't knoe if it could its really the enb

but seeing how a enb can make the lands and dungeons look much better, it could possibly make characters more realistic too


the light looks much better on that characer then on my characters



i wanted to try that enb but i feel unconfortable with installing it without the mod manager~

also it needs an other enb mod and more stuff~


i think my char by cosmetic mods isn't that bad already

the amasing immages just seem to have some nice light reflections like on lips and nose ...



example how my skyrim char looks like now~




just found out it has to do with fxaa >.<

and how to get the enb working



my pc ist to old to play with that-.-

now i'm searching for an console command to toggle fxaa on and off to make amazing screens but beeing able to play too! =D

Edited by EllinaChan
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