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[LE] How to Check Load Order of Plugins through papyrus ?


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I found for Fallout, example:

bool modInstalled = Game.IsPluginInstalled("SuperCoolWeapons.esp")

And now i have questions:


1. Can i check the same, but for skyrim?

2. how to check load order XX of the plugin? if this possible through papyrus ?

Edited by myav
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You have brain, eyes, hands and google as search engine!

Skyrim wiki overview (make sure your browser has cookies enabled)

You asked:
1. Can I check the same, but for skyrim?"
2. How to check load order XX of the plugin? If this possible through papyrus?


    Bool modInstalled = Game.IsPluginInstalled("SuperCoolWeapons.esp")

some convenience functions based on SKSE native functions


Bool FUNCTION IsPluginInstalled(String s)
IF (SKSE.GetVersion() <= 0.0)
    Debug.Trace("Error: SKSE not found! " +self)
    Return False    ; /1
    int i = Game.GetModByName(s)

;IF (i == 0)
;    Debug.Trace("Error: SKSE not found! " +self)
;    Return False
IF (i == 255)    ; 0xFF
    Return False    ; /2    plugin not installed
    RETURN TRUE     ; /3    plugin was found at load order position "i"

Int FUNCTION GetPluginPosition(String s)
IF (SKSE.GetVersion() <= 0.0)
    Debug.Trace("Error: SKSE not found! " +self)
    RETURN -1
    int i = Game.GetModByName(s)

;IF (i == 0)
;    Debug.Trace("Error: SKSE not found! " +self)
;    RETURN -1
    RETURN i    ; 255 plugin not installed, 0..254 plugin installed

Int FUNCTION GetPluginDependency(Int i)
IF (SKSE.GetVersion() <= 0.0)
    Debug.Trace("Error: SKSE not found! " +self)
    RETURN -1
    int i = Game.GetModDependencyCount(i)
    RETURN i    ; if ZERO no dependencies with other mods



    int i = GetPluginPosition("Skyrim.esm")
    int n = GetPluginDendency(i)
Edited by ReDragon2013
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