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Always V.A.T.S


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Ok I had this idea where FPS mode would be completely disabled, it should really only be used to move characters around. So what I think should happen with the game is in FPS mode it should be impossible to Attack anyway, same restriction would apply to NPCs being that they can't attack while moving- this is a very fallout 1,2 and tactics style. When you do want to fight you press V, that will mean the player is now in TurnBase (just like in the originals) and all combat is carried out in VATS, when AP runs out it should immediately replenish itself (because realistically all you should be doing is stacking orders and then waiting to stack them again, much like in the original fallouts). (what would be great is a STIMPACK command during vats :D)


Vats should NOT contain any slowmotion, it should all be 100% realtime when the actions are played out, only when the player initiates a killing shot/critical does the camera go into slow mo.


In vats all characters take 100% damage, they do the same level of crits and also that weapon conditions degradations remain the same as per FPS mode. I would love for Movement to use up AP (similar to The Elder Scrolls' Fatigue bar). During real time you can be shot but can't shoot back (this wouldn't be very fallout but its a limitation of the engine and it'd probably look stupid if it wasn't like that).


VATS is much better than FPS mode in terms of gameplay so I feel it should rely on it more. It should also be possible to disable access to the PIPBoy while enemies are around.. meaning you can't use it mid combat- in the originals you could yes.. but you'd probably die :D so its preferable that you retreat and heal before attacking again in VATS.


This idea would also be great with the Slow moving backwards mod to stop players from running and gunning.


I feel that if this mod were to happen, Fallout 3 would be crazily hard but all the more enjoyable.

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