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I don't know if this is the most disturbing thing since one of friends and I joke about suicide bombing (among other things), but here is the most disturbing thing out of recent memory.


"[a family friend who will remain anonymous] is voting for McCain since he hopes McCain will die in office and Palin would become president."


Knowing that disturbed me on so many levels, especially since that is probably what the average Rush Limbaugh listener felt during this election.

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I was once asked while playing WoW;"Have you ever had the urge to fap while watching your female nelf rogue?" At that point I was laughing for the question, yet was slightly sad as I knew he was being serious with the question, which would imply he had done that, to my rogue... I really didn't know how to react so I pretty much changed the subject to something else altogether.
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If I were to repeat here some of the things that have been asked of me or said to me in a sentence,I'd be banned, and thats no joke !



I'll ditto that one for sure, no joke atall is it...la!!!

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Let me step in here and remind everyone that crude and sexual posts are viewed upon in a negative light. This is meant to be a light-hearted section of the forums, open to all our members.


Some of our members are 13 and, lets face it, younger. I am sure I can speak for the staff when I say that should one of them be exposed to something here that is potentially disgusting/sick/adult in nature because of this site, well...I am sure you can work out the rest.


I have noted my concerns to Dark0ne but I am leaving the thread open for now, until I feel otherwise. Of course my fellow staff members may be obliged to close it at anytime.




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