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oblivion CTD when trying to save.


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I'm useing FCOM abd I've played for quite a long time without problems when suddenly I'm starting getting CTDs when I try to save a game. If I save a few moments after loading a previous save then the game save successfully, but if I wait a few minutes and try to save again, the CTD happens. When I look at my save folder, I see only an .ess file was created, but no .obse file of the save, and upon trying to load these corrupted saves the game crashes again.

When I try to play directly through oblivion.exe I manage to save successfully (tough the game CTD upon exit), so the problem might has something to do with obse.exe.


I trying to load a previous save and the game worked fine for I few more saves, when the problem occurred again without warning. I tried to save in number of ways and the game crashes on all of them. I tried to clean up my save folder and to create a different folder for the saves, but the problem occur again in both cases. I have the latest version of obse.

I thought the problem was with some mods I've recently added, so I disable and removed them, and still the CTD returns.


Please help! How can I solve this issue?

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You might have a corrupted save. In Bethesda games I make it a rule to never overwrite a save file and don't let autosave do it either.

Try loading an earlier save file and see if that works.

It works, for now, but I tried it before and eventually the CTD might return.

Edited by IdoLDC
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  • 2 weeks later...
I have had that type of crash a coupe times from a corrupted piece of loot, once it was Biography of Barenziah vol 1, and one it was silver longsword. When ever I sold the corrupted loot, the next time I saved it crashed. I first notice the crash would come saving after selling stuff, then trial and error isolated the item. I would avoid the crash by not taking such item, or by ditching it into a respawning container or "trash can". Both time the crash was consistent with any instance of the item. With the silver longsword, I discoverd some time later that the crash had stop occurring, and I suspect that it had been corrupted by a mod which I had later uninstalled.
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