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cout << "HeLlO WoRld" << endl;


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Hello {world}!


codewarsNL started out as a online CV so businesses could find me online. I am not a native English speaker and I am absolutely not a front-end developer but my life does exists out of code, code and more code.

I do my best on frontend tho XD Python is one of the languages I learned first and after 4-5 years its still with my side. I also do things in C# which i really do enjoy. C++ is a language which I don't do that often. However I modded my nintendo switch with the C++ language. (sources are available if people are interested just go to my site). The most joy I'm having lately is with C#. Its hard to socialize and find people who are interested in code as well. Therefor I thought to give nexus a shot.


I also created this account because I would like to share my self made software. That is part of the joy i'm having. My first application is also already available on Nexus here . I hope to deliver more in the future. I just need more creativity. Anyhow! Great to meet ya. This is me


~~ CodewarsNL

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