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What is your favorite race?


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Dunmer by far, simply because Morrowind is my favourite ES game (Or game in general for that matter). I have no doubt that I'm quite blinded by nostalgia, Morrowind is by no means perfect, but it's the game that changed me from someone who occasionally played CounterStrike to someone who embraced gaming as a lifestyle, essentially, Morrowind is the game that made me who I am today.


That being said, I've still not managed to make a Dunmer character in Skyrim that I have any real attachment to, I want to make one for when Dragonborn eventually comes out, but playing a Non-Nord Dovahkiin feels weird to me, even though I know there's no rule saying the Dragonborn have to be nords or even human, it just feels wrong for some reason. My biggest problem with playing a Dunmer however, is related to age. I absolutely despise how the game insists on me being some fresh-faced kid and always assumes I'm young regardless of the character I've made.


I can easily justify a Dunmer character being hundreds of years old simply due to their lifespan and/or magical talent or what have you, which allows me to work in background details from the time before The Red Year, it makes for a much richer character but the game simply does not allow it. Kodlak Whitemane calling my Dunmer "boy" really gets on my nerves; I can accept him making a mistake about my characters age, but I can not correct him and he will always refer to me as some kid. It basically makes playing anything other than a young character insufferable to me.


Second favourite race is Orc. I love everything about them, their culture, their history and in Skyrim their appearance, Orcs have never looked better than they do now.


After that I'd say Redguard, their culture is interesting, they are easy to make reasonably good looking (Males that is, Skyrim is one of the games where female characters just don't interest me at all) and I also like them from a gameplay perspective.


Argonians are very interesting, but because there is so little solid lore available on them I can't get into it. If I don't know things that my character should know, I can't stay invested.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I really like the Imperial race, and I don't really know why. My best explanation would be that they pretty much dominated Tamriel at one point, making them quite superior. Plus, playing as an Imperial in Skyrim fit me well, since I fought for the Legion against the Stormcloaks. And last but not least, my female Imperial vampire looks hawt (after extensive mods of course) xD I tried out Dunmer, and Altmer before, but I couldn't get it with them.
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I've always been a High Elf, always been a vampire too. I tend to not like fellow High Elf NPCs and I've always been a good character so as a vampire I had to drink from "evil" characters. Limited my choices by a bit when in cities :/
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vanilla would be either Nord or Imperial...from mods either epic elves or ashen :whistling: but thats for staring and daydreaming lol
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I feel the same way! In morrowind, I played Dunmer, in oblivion I played Imperial, And now in Skyrim I play as a Noes
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Dunmer, as any hardcore Morrowind fan will say.


It's true: Morrowind was great playing as a Dunmer and Skyrim is best played as a Nord but I think I found a way around. Nerevarine went to the east, right? Towards Akavir. Let's say he/she made it there alive and the akaviri (maybe the Ka'Po'Tun or maybe the Tsaesci) revealed his/her dragon related nature. 200 years later he/she made his/her way to fight Alduin in Skyrim.


I think Bethesda used races at first to aid the player in choosing a style of combat and play. In Skyrim is more of an artistic impression of the avatar, as racial bonuses are diminished. And let me tell you: a Dunmer hacking and slashing in the traditional Redoran style is wicked!

Edited by vladlazar
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  • 1 month later...
My first character was a Dunmer. But lately I've been using a Bosmer. My main characters are always stealth based. I like to think Bosmer are more agile, light handed, and wittier. While Dunmer are agile, darker, and more cunning/devious. The former personality fits my own more effectively, so I've been using a Bosmer. My only trouble is seeing a Bosmer as any real form of Assassin, which is what my main characters usually are. While I have no trouble seeing a Dunmer as an Assassin.
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