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Balanced Enchantment charges


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Hey guys,


currently I am on my quest to rediscover this beautiful game, thats why I am bothering you guys with some of my mod-ideas :-).


Well enough about that, lets come to the actual topic I wanted to discuss with you guys. So there are tons of enchantment/weapon charge mods out there that make your weapons consume no charges or let the soul siphon perk completely recharge your weapons charges and so on.


But we all know thats like cheating, it really breaks the game balance and I think there should be a balanced and fun to play mod out there, my ideas would be:


  • weapons should recharge over time (maybe a perk could be added for that)
  • weapons consume less charges overall but the enchantment dmg is decreased overall as well
  • charges could be made permanent but in order to be balanced they would have to be stripped down to less then half of their power (and a solution for "soul siphon" needs to be found, since the perk would be useless then)
  • soul siphon recharges "more" charges and affects all enemies types
  • a combination of the above mentioned suggestions, for example: less charges consumed per hit/lower dmg and slightly stronger soul siphon
    (but not overpowered, so that you would still have to recharge your weapons now and then, but are not forced to switch to a non magic weapon everytime you see a skeever or mudcrab :-))


Please I would like to hear your suggestions on this topic and I am open for different opinions, thx :-)

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