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Completely new at this. I downloaded Skyrim from Steam the other day. I keep seeing references to SKSE for adding/using mods. I cant find it anywhere. Did Steam automatically download it? I have added some mods and they seem to work. But the new UI says I have no SKSE. Is there a place for noob idiots to find this basic information?
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completely covers installing SKSE and does a good job explaining it, its required for some mods like SkyUI interface and Convenient Horses. SKSE is the Skyrim Scrip Extender...it basically allows mod makers to add features they otherwise couldn't. Not all mods use it and in fact most don't require it but those that do can really improve game play by adding features such as the Convient Horses mod alowing your followers to have their own horse. Edited by Jennifur68
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