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Hard-Core mode! Limited saving


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Saving and loading imo has partly ruined the game in many ways, completely removing any risk factor. For a quick example of saving and loading ruining the game, just look at the infiltrator or computer geek perk- rendered totally useless as you can just save and load if you fail. Same with speech skill, if you fail you can just load until you succeed, making speech skill just something to save you a couple minutes, basically obsolete. It totally destroys heart pumping moments because.. well nothing is at stake, you just saved, you can just run in like an idiot and die and lose absolutely nothing. If you're terrible at sneaking and keep alerting enemies, you can just load and load until you get it right. I'm thinking along the lines of a "Hard-core mode", where for example you can only auto save when sleeping or you have a limited number of saves per unit. Or even a "lives" system would bring back the risk and situation assessment. You might be able to tell I am an fan of old-sckool games. I understand saving and loading can be fun for "What if?" situations with npcs, and that's what the vanilla game is for. I see mods that increase the difficulty in many clever ways but at the end of the day, if you can just save and load when ever where ever, you have your self a relatively easy game.


-but why don't you just NOT save then?




I don't know how it is with other people, but with me, just knowing i could just load, play better and not use that stimpack or lose that much health makes it less enticing. Hell, I'd be happy if any time i tried to save manually the game crashes.

This could be a problem with crashing or bugs that kill you when it's not your fault tho.

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while I agree with the whole quick loading thing..


the fact is that the amount of bugs in this game make this mod entirely unfeasible.. you need to be able to save like crazy as any second the game will crash.


Once bethesda.. IF! bethesda fix these bugs then yeah totally go for it.

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