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Water issue


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So I'm working on creating a patch/extension of a player home mod and I'm wanting to add blood pools to it. However I am not getting any underwater visuals with either of the blood water planes available in the CK and yes the cell has the "has water" option turned on. Here's a couple screen shots to show what the issue is. Above water is fine in game but when submerged it is crystal clear. So does anyone have any idea why there is no underwater visual happening when under water?

Edited by Sparral
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to be honest, I'm just speculating, but perhaps when underwater you have to literally specify a surface layer and tint it red (presuming a blood pool) or otherwise it's transparent


I'm not a mod author. Have you ever done a normal water feature? How do you deal with the surface when under water for normal water? (these questions are rhetorical... like I said I'm not a mod author (as of yet), just a programmer who saw your post and scratched my head thinking of *why it might not behave in the way one *might expect it to.

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Ok after looking at some of the other waterplanes it seems like the blood pools just don't have a visual change while submerged sadly. All the other ones I tried have the visual change when submerged so guess Bethesda just never bothered giving the blood waterplanes a visual change when submerged.


Okay so after messing around with the waters in the CK I found a solution. Posting this edit for any one else who is looking to make a pool of blood in their own creations. So while the blood waterplanes from the DLC's don't have a visual change when underwater you can how ever find a water type that does have the visual change and make it have the appearance of a blood waterplane. I personally went with the murky water type, so to do this open the CK and load your mod and under world data go to water type and find a water you wish to use. Now duplicate it and rename it to what ever you wish to name it and from here you will want to edit the RGB color to make it a blood colored red or what ever other color you might like to use hit apply to save the changes. Now go to world objects than water find the same water type you picked here and duplicate it as well then edit it. In the edit window on the bottom left corner is a drop down bar labled water type change this to match the water you duplicated in world data. Also change the default primitive color to match the change made to RGB as well and hit apply to save changes. That's it now you have a blood waterplane with a visual tint when underwater.

Edited by Sparral
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