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Maria (9 mm) reskin


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It works nice up to now. I've added images to your mod and endorsed it.


The only--small--issue I have with your mod, and possibly it also affect other mods: There's a folder inside the compressed file. Perhaps you'd consider doing one of these:

  1. change the installation instructions to specify only the folder content of the mod file should be added to the /data folder or
  2. make a new compressed file that doesn't include a folder (just files).

Once again: Thank you.


Update 1: Perhaps I should have put on Pimp-Boy 3 Billion for this special occasion. :wink:

Edited by DynV
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Oh yeah, sorry. That's a side effect of .zip files, which is what I typically use, combined with the way I organize stuff. It seems to work fine with mod managers because I hadn't had anyone complain about it, but I'll go through and change the install instructions. Oh, also, you're welcome!

Edited by SHAD0WC0BRA
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