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Harder Life


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Mods I would like to see, yes some of been made that touch on these items. Obviously these should be module. I tried to mod but I am unsure of how to even start. I guess I don't even rate as a mod newbie. I saw one mod starter threat but that only dealt with texturing. I am interested in game play modding.


1. Cost of everything up like 75%. Barter is a dump skill right now.

2. Food changes, same healing more radiation.

3. Rest should not repair a crippled limb, only heal a wounded. You should need a stimpack or doctor to cure crippled. I have a mod now that stimpacks or cure cripple not heal the limb that is awesome.

4. No home add ons like lab or hospital. They make the doctors obsolete.

5. Can use junk to repair, but then reduce the effectiveness of your repair skill by 50% when using junk.

Edit: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=218 does something very close to this. Awesome


6. The Raiders badlands armor as a clothing. So same stats as say a normal wasteland outfit but the look of badlands armor.



Pulaski Fizz

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