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Bleak Falls Barrow --> Farengar --> Dragonstone Crash


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Hello everyone,


I am having troubles here.


This is as far as it gets.




I can't even click on the quest line the game just crashes as sonn as this line pops up I just managed to sneak in a screenshot.


I have several mods installed, I already tried deactivating them, even all. With all mods deactivated it works and goes on without any problems but as soon as I try to save the game it crashes, means I can't save and reenable the mods.


I just cant find the responsible mod. does anyone have any idea?


edit: As soon as the quest continues to "deliver the dragon stone to Farengar" the game crashes immediately.

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  • 4 months later...

I've recently just experienced this myself and am curious how to curcumvent this problem? I've ran the updates, also checked the steam file updates and nothing works. I've checked possible mod conflicts, but nothing added seems to make a difference in this aspect of questing. All the other quests are fine. Does anyone have any suggestions, other than starting a new game? Please do not tell me to uncheck mods, I've already gone through and done that and looked for conflicts, I'm quite an experienced modder. If it helps I'm running on a 64bit; something I've never done before.

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  • 9 months later...

Same problem. I'm going to try removing the dragonstone from my inventory using a console command (since it is a quest item and I can't store it), get the quest, and then use a console command to put it back into my inventory. If it works, I'll post back here.


Edit: Easier way, just console command past that quest stage. Here's a link showing how



Edited by KenSith
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  • 2 months later...

I am having the same Issue, if anybody has figured out a solution I'd appreciate a response.


Edit: Deleting location mods (castles, estates etc.) fixed it. I'm not sure where the conflict was, but the only ones I had active at the time were Bluecreek Estate, Riverhelm, and Solitude public Bathouse if that helps anybody.

Edited by stryke135
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Hey I am having same problem


Deleting "Riverhelm" fixed it

"Lc- Riverhelm" was my little problem child, remove until quest is done then you can re-install with out any further problems it seems.



Thx to "stryke135"

Edited by Jolnarr
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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 years later...

Bug is still there. Weird, because I use MO. However, I disabled all the player homes i had in MO, and was then able to complete the questlines without issue. Thing is, I had played the game before with those exact same mods installed without issues. I verified integrity of game files, checked LOOT order, etc...disabling those mods temporarily was the only thing that worked.

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