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Masser (Moon) World?


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Ive allways wondered... from the first time i played Oblivion back in 2006... how "Nirn" (The planet that Tamriel sits on) would look from Masser. So i ask what do "YOU" think? wouldent it be awesome if there was a mod that allowed u to enter SPACE? or atleast be able to walk the moon "Masser"? in Skyrim? Edited by spartan117jmc
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Aethernautics - A Space Travel Mod



-A large, open dungeon for the player to explore, filled with traps, lava, and a new type of centurion

-An unmarked quest to discover and reactivate the lost Aethership

-A new type of weapon, harquebuses (guns)! Five available types can be found, and come complete with rifle sounds and effects. The available types are the Ohmic Harquebus, the Heavy Harquebus, the standard rifle, the Magmatic Harquebus, and the Aetherial Arquebus.

-Once you reactivate it, the player may use the aethership as their own. It comes complete with cargo and docking bays, engineering and maintainence shafts, weapon systems, and even a full bridge with a captain's chair. The ship may also be used as a player home, and quarters are provided with basic services.

-The ability to use your ship to call down orbital strikes.

-The ability to use your ship to travel to other planes, such as Sotha Sil and Masser, one of Nirn's moons.

-Your very own space helmet and space suit, courtesy of the last Dwemer aethernauts.

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That would be cool, and i think it would be fairly easy to do. MasserSo looks like a dead world so it should be easy to mod.


Yeah.. but what would one do about the sky? Masser has to be removed from the sky on Masser.. and the orbit had to me modified somehow to make us (on Masser) rotate around Nirn... and the WHOLE sky would have had to me modifiesd as secunda also has to rotate round Nirn and the sun "Atherius" must now get a complete workover as it has to move dynamically around as Masser orbits Nirn wich in turn again orbits Atherius... a whole armada of changes to be made and Thats JUST the sky... Gravity would have to be changed... Weather, Daylight, day cycle.. its a long list :S

Edited by spartan117jmc
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Well sure if you wan't go go full hog, but there are already mods that change the sky.. MasserSo can be replaced by Nirn The rotation thing, well, I sure as hell would not know how Nirn would move trough the sky, and i'm fairly sure not many would, so one could just change it to whatever.
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