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Half-Life 2 Pulse Rifle


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Looking for someone to make the Half-Life 2 AR2 into Fallout 4.

To be perfectly honest, I'd pay 10€ for it.


The fire mode, damage modifiers, and atleast the sights need variants.

damage modifiers (from -200% to +500%) and the base single shot damage would be around 60 (with no perks)

For the sights I atleast want glow sights, with green/yellow/orange/red/cyan/blue options, other than that it's up to whomever makes it.


The alt fire in the original game was the charged pulse, if it can be added sure if possible, but it's not really necessary.


The Half-Life 2 Combine Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle (OSIPR), also known as Pulse Rifle or AR2


the weapon animations could function similar to the variant seen in Half-Life 2's MMod,


Animations, and general appearance, for reference, if nothing else:

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