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Requesting a Modding Teacher


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I am pleading that someone with substantial monitoring experience take me under their wing and teach me the basics of modeling, essentially using the GECK, as that's where I'm starting and stalling at the moment. If this person would like to also teach me how to do meshes and such outside the context of the GECK, that would be awesome. But right now, I must learn to crawl before I walk before I run. I am asking for a teacher because my Internet is loopy, I have no ability to watch videos outside of the library, and all in all even if I could learn conceptual operations from media, which I can't, I don't have access to that media while I'm using the GECK program.


I am in the process of making several small mods, which I a think I have all the material necessary, but how to assemble them properly eludes me. It's important to note that I learned by doing, so when I say I'm making a weapon mod, I'm learning how to make weapons modifications on a conceptual level. When I put in a mesh substitution mod, it so I can learn how to manipulate things in the cell which so far I've been having a number of problems. These mostly revolve around my inability to properly control zoom and camera placement. If you can't see the cell correctly it becomes much harder to manipulate it properly. I also have a number of mesh mod's ready to go for future projects, all of which have permission given explicitly or implicitly in the disclaimer page. I'm very serious about my modeling, I think it's possibly the most rewarding part of the Bethesda game. And frankly, there are things that I'm not satisfied with in either fallout three or new Vegas, things that should have been included but w were not.


In case anyone is interested, these are some of the mods that I am working on, and need help with:


1. A specialized assassins weapon that appears to be a gun when in fact it is an energy weapon. It doesn't change gameplay exactly, but it's meant as a role-playing tool.

2. I am trying to put bonds animated flag mod, which was for Fallout 3 but was created wholly originally, and thus there's no copyright issues ( I have the author's word on it) and place it with various NCR installations. What I'm having trouble with are animations,how the mesh moves, and how to make the mesh go into different shapes. I don't understand anything about the animations, but I want to learn and get this out of the way.

3. I am interested in learning how to create craft recipes, but I haven't this latest clue how to go about it. Not one. I don't even know where to look in the GECK files. this will probably be in excruciatingly simple thing to explain, but I need someone to actually explain to me where I'm these files in the deck and how to modify them to do what I want.

4. I'm trying to lay the grounds for a bank mod: a fairly extensive one. However, to do this I need to understand how to create currency from scratch and make it worth what I say it's worth. In the deck files, the term value for most objects is replaced by the term absolute value for objects marked with the CMNY distinction, but not only do I not know how to instill a pre-existing object, such as say, prewar money, I also need to make the object value what I say it is to value. In this case I created a currency by copying NCR money, but instead of being valued at 1000 as I have specified it was only worth 999. This upset me more than it should.and it's important, because this is the foundation for larger demarcations, such as a 10,000 cap, and for various other things.

5.I have been given permission to port the scavenger world mod from fallout 3 to fallout new Vegas. In practice, what I need to do is to understand is how the prospector mod permanently removes items from the game when they are salvaged, and how the scripting effect works with the wrench and shovel, and then take that concept and rebuild it as appropriate to the new Vegas setting. It's not a straight port, it's a concept port.

6. I need to know how this scripting effect for the Butcher Pete mod from Fallout 3 works, and then put that effect into New Vegas as appropriate. The the one thing I will have to do is make sure that death clause only spawn one hand a piece, and then butchering the corpse will always be a second hand. After all, it makes no since to get three deathclaw hands from a two armed deathclaw.


in the future, with permissions, I aim to do the following:


1. Create a modular un-banned mod, which will involve a meta-dialogue option with the currency exchanger to unban. Sierra Madre is different, see below.

2. I want to create a script effect for Sierra Madre that will allow the player to take their Sierra Madre chips with them to the Sierra Madre (which makes sense because they are Sierra Madre chips) and also a number of science checks with the holographic cash exchanger that will allow the player to hack the casino program and become unbanned five or six times, and at the end allow the player to loot the stores in the Villa upon the completion of the DLC. Of course this is game breaking, but it makes sense at least after a fashion, that having control over the failing holographic programs the you be able to make them give you stuff, with something like a science check out 90 or repair check of 100, preferably both.

3. I want to create more car mods on the basis of the court a Post Nuclear, but with more travel options. I also want to be able to have a little bit of fun with the basic model by allowing a player to have a prewar Corvega, and intact prewar truck, and God help me, a restored and functional peaky and Vance Death Car. Come on, haven't you wanted to cruise around the Mojave in classic gangster style?


I've got a lot of work ahead of me. But in order to move forward, I need to know what the hell I'm doing. And I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Unless someone is willing to teach me, and address my questions as they come up in what I'm trying to do, I can't make any progress. I can't learn conceptual operations from media, I need a teacher to field my questions as I ask them. Think of me as an investment: what you put into me is what I can do for the modding community. I've been interested in joining a mod team but I actually need someone to teach me before I can actually do anything. I don't believe in being self-taught on anything: it's a fantastic waste of time to reinvent the wheel every time you're starting out. And if I could get help with one of the smaller mods, it would act as a proof of concept that I'm actually going to do what I'm saying I'm going to do. But as I said, I am in desperate need of a teacher.


Please, will someone teach me?

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Just for clarification, I'm not asking for help on all of these necessarily from one person. It's simply that I need help on any one of them to complete them.


If any interested party cannot help, then what I would need would be a GECK wiki or webpage, where I can look up the areas I actually have need to know in the order I need to know them. Video tutorials are s*** in that respect, and frankly all others: I have to sit through irrelevant s*** to get where I'm going, if it's there at all.

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Cpt. Mitch:


Actually, scripting is the place I need to go then. Thanks to Vienna’s advice, I have a platform from which to spring into the modding, and finally figured that my assassin's hyperbreeder project needs a script. I admit my knowledge of scripting is almost nil. This is because I think modularly, and AFAIK, scripting is not modular in nature, at least not where I can readily find the piece I need and plug it into a preexisting formula.


These are the things I want to make that need a script to do the work. What I ask primarily is that you tell me the least painful and buggy way to do these things. I learn by doing, but I tend to learn better from successes than failures. I will however be reading up on the stuff over the long holiday:


1. The assassin's hyperbreeder is called the Ace in the Hole, and it's a hyperbreeder pistol modified to look like a 45 with a 9 mm scope, which Apolcapytic Merc was so kind as to make. It's an awesome mesh too. But, what I would prefer is while standing it looks and sounds and damages like a 45 (45s animations), it's still an MF microbreeder. When in stealth it needs to make a truncated laser sound (I will seek permission from Project Nevada for their stealth laser pistol sound), and no visible beam at all. I say this because when doing and assassination, the tracer effect of the red bolt (the only real justification for it) is both unnecessary and unwanted. I've set the thing to silent and it seems to work like that. But it still damages like a 45, which it needs to if people are watching. So I wanted a script that would allow the player to ash a corpse after death. Or conversely, have two sets of animations and death animations which are toggled by the player by either sneaking or standing. I think this can be done, but I'm not sure how.


2. I want to make a script for two things: one a lobotomite goggle mesh with red scare effect attached. However, by some toggle (preferably upon equipping and re-equipping, an option comes up for default [red scare] low light [ghost sight/nightvision green] and ultra low light [ghost sight/nightvision] AND cateye effect]) I've actually done this in game, and even designed an effect to do this, and found it matters a great deal in which effect comes first, as that will be the color of the effect. While I would prefer it all to be various intensities of the red scare effect, that is not here, although getting the red effect other than red scare crouching, and doing it as desired is. I have most of the effects. What I need is a way for the player to have control as to when those effects come out. For myself I have two different pieces of clothing, but that's not something a mod downloader would want to do.


Help in either of these would be awesome.

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