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Tripeled Drain Vitality ..... HELP please


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When i first learned drain vitality i wanted to use it but i understood that i had 3 of a kind but with different drain point and the same recharge time ( they are all 10,10,10 ) i went to a site and learned that if you learn drain vitality before completing the mark for the death shout drain vitality will be glitched.. which i've learned drain vitality before learning the third part of the mark for the death shout :wallbash:


it said the glitch has 2 kind :one of them is : 1 point drain of stam magica and health and the second one drains 2 points of magica and health and stam... and the way to solve it is to use the codes it showed ... i used them but nothing happened.... when i again went to the site it said the drain vitality's recharge time is 12,12,12 but mine is 10,10,10 all three of them ( 1/2/3/ point of health ,magica ,stamina)

i don't know what to do specially it doesn't have any sound and it CDT when i try to use it :( :wallbash:


if anyone knows any way to solve this please tell me .


thank you

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To fix this bug open the console and type in the following command: player.removeshout 02018244 for the 1 point version or player.removeshout 020181b8 for the 2 point version.


Find a save in which you have not learned any words of Marked for Death and have not started the Dawnguard questline.

Delete/uninstall Dawnguard.

Load up the save and get all three words for Marked for Death.

Reinstall/re-download Dawnguard.

Edited by Overseer94
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err ...dear overseer94 please read the topic completely to the end :dry: i said I've tried the codes but no luck and the saves i have are older than i can use them , if you have any other solution you are welcome to suggest otherwise please don't bother yourself .

but thank you for taking your time and answered my question :smile:

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i can't find it , in console i write" help drain vitality 4 " but it keeps telling me can't find drain :(

and when i click on it something comes but again when i use it nothing happens i even looked for it's id in the net but no luck so far :wallbash: :wallbash:

well i guess i should just leave it ? :unsure:

again thanx for your concern .

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just a few things

i can't find it , in console i write" help drain vitality 4 " but it keeps telling me can't find drain :(

you write drain vitality 4? should it not be drain vitality 3? second try checking the skyrim wiki for the id of the spells, if it's not there it's probably not known yet.

do you have the unofficial skyrim patch and the unofficial dawnguard patch as i think one of these fixes that bug

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