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Huge FPS drop - any ideas? (10 fps)


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First, my particulars:

i7-9700 (3.0GHz)

6GB GTX 1660 Ti


So, I have been experiencing the worst drop in fps I have ever encountered on Skyrim, let alone Skyrim SE. I will load up my save and play normally for about 10 minutes. Then out of nowhere, there is a huge fps crash, and I mean a CRASH, down to around 10 fps – totally unplayable.

I can sometimes refresh back up to something acceptable, either by entering an interior cell, or fast travelling somewhere else entirely, but it doesn’t always work and even when it does it is only so long before the fps crashes again.

I have had this load order set up as it is now, for a long time and have been playing normally at 50-60 fps, no problem. The only recent changes I have made have been with a few mods that I converted to form 44 from 43 (Book of UUNP, Superb Serana, and Quality World Maps), however disabling these has not got rid of the fps crash problem.

This is not specific to any location, as it will pretty much happen anywhere outside. It even happened once inside a small interior cell.

I know that I am playing with a large load order, and a lot of texture overhauls, but as I’ve said, this LO has been fine for a long time and my system can handle it. Since it isn’t any of the form 43 plugins then I am out of ideas.

Hopefully there is something that stands out to you guys, and I really appreciate any help or feedback I can get.
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I'm not going to analyze you mod list, because it's tedious and well, it's tedious. No offense intended.


However!.... I'l l give you some pointers. If you're using SMP gear or one of the new bodies (3BBB, 3BBB advanced or BHUNP), be aware that SMP can cause a massive drain on the system.


And if you chose an SMP version for any of the body stuff, I'd advise you to reinstall and rebuild your bodies with the CBP only installation to avoid SMP drain.


There are other possible causes, but I'm just focusing on these known clock sucking sources for your consideration.


For SMP items (wig, clothing), be aware that they "break" sometimes, and when they do they can cause FPS drops. (when they do, they can be fixed by taking them off and putting them back on in most cases, or by using a console command ... reset SMP I think)

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I will try switching out SMP for CBP and see if it stops the drop. Been using it a while though and it's been fine in the past, but willing to try anything at this point. Thanks for the tip.

To be clear, I don't mean SMP wigs or clothing.


Nothing we can do about that (aside from not using SMP gear, which I am not suggesting... i use quite a bit myself) and in general they work pretty well overall (with the caveat that they sometimes go a bit wonky and SMP needs a reset either by console - SMP reset << that's the correct console command, I had it backwards - or by un-equipping and then re-equipping the errant clothing/wig).


I mean the new bodies, that *can be installed with partial or full SMP reaction.


best of luck.

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