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ENB suddenly behaves weird, everything not directly lit is dark


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Dear Nexus Forums,


today - after accidently starting the normal launcher instead of the SKSE one - I needed to reconfigure my .ini.

After that, the ingame ENB (0.119, The Goddess config) started to behave weird. Picture 1 Picture 2

Everything is extremely dark and got no texture, though things out of the world (sky, some decals) are lit as they would normally be during daylight.

Also, things directly lit by light and light sources themselves have both texture and light.

Holding the torch directly in front of the character (defense stance) gives texture to the wall the character is facing.

Note that I did neither change the ENB .dll-files, nor the ENB-configs. Renaming the Wrapper-DLL fixes the problem, though it also removes the ENB.

It worked fine before, so I don't really know what went wrong. I'd be glad for any hints or tips.

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  • 8 months later...
  • Reboot your system
  • Check ENB menu in game (shift+enter) or if you have an old version of ENB check the file: enbseries.ini inside the skyrim folder.See if all effects which should be on (and ENB for that matter) are turned on
  • Check if redownloading the ENB binary which you use and replacing the existing one helps if the above didn't show any solution


If nothing post back.

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