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What is the best bandit camp to use as a player home?


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I'm looking for an exterior site that I can take over for a player home.


For a while, I used Valtheim Towers, but it has only cooking and alchemy crafting, not a lot of storage, and is kind of awkwardly laid out. It worked for a while, and as conveniently located near the center of the map.


Now I'm using Silent Moons Camp (exterior cell only), which has a forge, armor table, and grinding wheel, but nothing else. I made a quick mod to add some furnishings and the missing crafting equipment (smelter, tanning rack, alchemy, enchanting, cooking) and some more storage. I'd rather find a site that didn't require a mod, however.


Robbers Gorge is kind of neat, but lacking in crafting equipment. Knifepoint Ridge is also rather nice, but is part of a significant quest which I ought not to mess with. I kind of like Karthspire, too.


Anybody have any thoughts on what existing exterior site makes a good player home, free for the taking?

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There's a forge, you mean, and no I don't think there's an ore smelter nearby.


I actually used Anise's hut for a while; it has a lovely cellar containing an alchemy lab and arcane enchanter, with several handy containers (sacks, barrel, cupboard, not to mention the ones up in the hut). It's nice and small too, very cozy - hardly had to move to reach everything.


The problem is, it's a dilapidated hut that looks like it could fall apart any time, and the holes in the wall definitely don't help. The cellar might be a cozy hideout (yay hideout) but the bed is upstairs, and no way am I going to sleep where a bear could simply wander in (no door!!) and rip my face off. Also, the mountain right on the north side kinda make getting to it a chore and it's relatively isolated, although Riverwood is fairly nearby. Finally, you need to commit the ghastly murder of an old lady to obtain the place D: I give it 4/10.



Great thread, btw. I always find myself scouting out places (after I've cleared them of hostiles) to see how viable they are to use as bases. Please list more!

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