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CTD at specific ingame time.


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Hi guys.

Instalation played fine for about 80 hours, and suddenly started crashing at specific time ingame. Does not matter if I'm indoors or outdoors. From loading specific save, I have about two hours of ingame time, playing normally or waiting, and it crashes. It'll also crash on save when approaching said time, but can save normally if I have some time, and I can save just after loading the game. I can fasttravel and it'll advance the time past the crash point, but it'll crash on save or after few moments. I tried changing timescale, but it still crashes after waiting about two hours. I tried reading SKSE crashdump, but it's your standard memory read violation. I think it's quest related, but honestly, can be anything. Here's journal, if you need it - https://pastebin.com/rMc16Dnq . I suspected Rigmor of Bruma, and tried disabling it, but to no avail. Also tried disabling most quest related mods, and even script mods like iNeed and such. Looked at save with reSaver, but didn't find anything, only one unatached script instance.

Is there any way to read and analyze event related timers or anything like that? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Yea, I searched. But another thing I found just now is I can set gamehour to some value before current time and it'll actually allow me to wait for longer. If I set hour past 13 it insta crashes on console close. It doesn't matter if I change day or month, it'll still crash. I can play normally on much older save, but I don't really want to do that, because I do not have any assurance it won't just crash again.

Edited by Noirr
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Evidently, anjenthedog meant that the cause could be in the mod "Sounds of Skyrim": https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/773243-ctd-after-certain-amount-of-game-time/&do=findComment&comment=6185320 . I see that in your list. Have you tried to uninstall it (not disable, but uninstall)?


Also, I am curious: how do you export the quest journal? Via some mod? I've searched but found only the mod "Take Notes" which, as I understand, can export only player-made notes, moreover, it's not in your mod list.

Edited by shumkar
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Yes, I saw that thread, tried uninstalling, but nothing still. I guess I could try disabling mods one by one, but if it's related to something big like Legacy of the Dragonborn or Morrowloot I'm screwed anyway, because installation was made pretty much for and around those mods... As for the journal, I just typed that to notepad on another computer, didn't find anything to export it from the game ;)

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Hi, fyi, I wasn't specifically referring to anything. I just did a search on the terms noted and found many hits on the same issue.


So although I know literally nothing about the specific issue, I *can* add at least this much.


If you disable that mod, (or any mod), in order to ensure it is not still interfering (presuming it is in the first place) I think you'd also need to open the active save, do something for a little while, save it, then clear any leftover scripts and references using fallrim at a minimum (it's the only cleaner I'm really familiar with but some folks talk about using ssedit and so forth on ocassion...idk) And ... that's not a guarantor either, but it is a likely step that needs to be done just as after disabling or uninstalling many or most mods to purge lingering scripts and references.


best wishes and good luck.

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  • 2 months later...

If anyone is interested, I found the culprit. It's Blood on the Ice quest. After I complete it, the game will crash. Not immediatly, but after some ingame hours. Will try to do some more testing, right now I'm on 'patrol the streets' objective, and no CTD. I've read that other people had this exact issue, from a reddit thread:


Completing it via console from pre-quest and from near-end quest (after killing Calixto but before telling Jorleif) seems to solve it.

Although Calixto is still alive in the former case, and his body is still laying there in the latter, so I'm thinking for some reason the problem may have been related to cleaning that up?


So it could be related to the game doing something with Calixto's body.


EDIT: It seems it's not Calixto per se, because even finishing the quest by console, with him still alive, is enough to cause CTD. So yea, won't be doing this quest, and wish me luck for the rest of the game:D

Edited by Noirr
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  • 5 months later...

If anyone is interested, I found the culprit. It's Blood on the Ice quest. After I complete it, the game will crash. Not immediatly, but after some ingame hours. Will try to do some more testing, right now I'm on 'patrol the streets' objective, and no CTD. I've read that other people had this exact issue, from a reddit thread:


Completing it via console from pre-quest and from near-end quest (after killing Calixto but before telling Jorleif) seems to solve it.

Although Calixto is still alive in the former case, and his body is still laying there in the latter, so I'm thinking for some reason the problem may have been related to cleaning that up?


So it could be related to the game doing something with Calixto's body.


EDIT: It seems it's not Calixto per se, because even finishing the quest by console, with him still alive, is enough to cause CTD. So yea, won't be doing this quest, and wish me luck for the rest of the game:D

I used a restoration spell on his corpse and this how he repays me, lost few hours of progress cuz of it.

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  • 1 year later...

I haven't been able to figure out why it happens, but it did happen to me, and after searching and experimenting to figure out a solution, I did discover something:

If you use the console to change the game hour to 24, it will bring you to the very beginning of the next day, and in the process, bypass whatever time the game crashes at without inducing a CTD. Since doing this, I haven't encountered this particular problem again, though admittedly, I haven't had much in-game time pass anyway, so who knows whether or not it'll happen again... Still, hopefully this helps others who are experiencing the same problem.

EDIT: Full disclosure, though, I use LE, not SE. So, there's that...

EDIT 2: I have encountered the problem again, and I was able to fix it again by using the same method I described before, but I also want to clarify that this solution will not work if timescale isn't set to 20.

Edited by FerasekKoorich
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