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No pausing when in Pip-Boy and when looting/talking?


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Is that something that could be modified or is it hard-coded?

I find it amusing to see that you can look at your Pip-Boy, change into surgeon's clothing there for +5% medicine skill, apply food and stimpaks, redress into armour and continuing fighting, all the while the twelve deathclaws you've been fighting have stood there, waiting for you.


Raising npc's health like it's done in FO3's "high" and "very high" difficulty options seems like a very cheap way to make the game harder. There are more reasonable ways. Disabling pausing while using the Pip-Boy and looting/talking would be one; the ridiculous abundance of stimpaks and ammo have luckily been dealt with in a mod already.





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Would be silly to not pause when talking, having to madly click replies to exit chat because someone like Bryan Wilks ran up and opened chat dialogue in the middle of a gunfight would be crazy


As for the pip-boy thing

I think it would be far better if ap cost could be applied to stims, food and drugs


So if your near dead in a battle and go to pipboy, it wouldnt matter how many 100s of stimpacks you had if they cost 20-25ap each to use and you had 36ap left

It would also force people to decide, do i want safe level of health while i back off to regain ap, or do i want to risk it all on 2 targeted headshots


Would be hilarious to take a crippled leg when you have no ap left and cant heal it while trying to flee :biggrin:

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