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Mod Made Wife Won't Move in With Me


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So I've recently started experimenting with the creation kit, and my first order of business was to make another Argonian wife candidate. It seemed to have worked, and I married her, but now she refuses to move in with me and I have no idea why. I'll tell her to move to Windstad manor, and she'll agree and say she'll meet me there and then resume sitting doing nothing in Haelga's Bunkhouse. Same if I tell her to move to Breezehome. When I manually added the ai packages for windstad manor, she finally moved in there, but then she wouldn't go anywhere else and she still didn't open up a shop. I'm at wit's end and nothing I try seems to work. I've been following tutorials and all of my steps seem to be correct. What am I missing?
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Well, apparently there's a bunch of stuff going on with spouses in Skyrim...it's a bit beyond me so I'll help you out a bit in a different way.


Take a look at Spouses Can Live Everywhere


You might be able to poke through it on your own to get an idea of what all is included in that process, but as of yet there still aren't any good resources explaining how to do it from scratch.

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Thanks I'll do that, but I'm not trying to get my spouse to live in a custom made house, I just want her to live in a vanilla or hearthfire house and I'm not sure why she refuses to do so. I think it has something to do with the ai packages not activating or being added on to her but I'm not entirely sure.
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Hmm, another place to look is at some of the quests. I know you have to go through the whole song and dance with the Amulet of Mara, the priest in the Bee and Barb and then the ceremony itself before you can choose a house to live in. But, like I said all that is a bit beyond me. Hopefully you'll figure it out. I haven't seen AI packages that are particularly for Spouses, pretty sure it's in quests and dialogues.
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