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New computer, can't find character mod app?


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My old computer got hit by lightning.


I have a new one and I just got Skyrim installed.


I had an application that let you modify any game character, and create companions.


You could select any character in the game from a list, an image of the character would show, and then you could modify pretty much everything.

Appearance, skills default clothing etc. then you could rename it and create a new character.


I can't find a place to download it now, and I don't remember exactly what it was called.


Can anyone direct me to the site or link?


Thanks for the help.



Edited by MikeMoss
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Well crap, I think I just saw that mod you're talking about a couple minutes ago, lemme dig through my browse history.


Okay is it this one, "Skyrim NPC Editor 0_75_1" by foretrenty ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4554 )? I think it only edits NPCs though, not create new ones, could be mistaken.


Edit: I got totally ninjaed by JanusForbeare.

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Thanks guys that's the one.


It does only edit NPCs but I think it allows you to save them with a new name so that they are added to the world in a specified location.

If you set them to be a companion profile they will join you as I remember.


I know it will let you modify any of the normal companion characters in the game to be what ever you want, i.e. you can make Lydia look and act however you want.

And I've changed the names and height, on some to the characters that I installed from other mods.


I'm still setting up everything on my new computer, the game looks fantastic on my new 27" monitor and is very smooth at 144 Hz refresh rate.

I have an nVidia 680 4 gig video card and the 3D kit.


Once I get everything set up I'll try out the 3D.

I'm leaving that for the last thing I do.




PS. got it downloaded thanks again.

Edited by MikeMoss
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