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Where can I translate the sneak-indicators HIDDEN, CAUTION, DANGER


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In GECK --> Gameplay --> Settings. It will not show up under Game Settings in FO3Edit until you edit one of them in GECK and save to a new plugin. Even then it shows as a new record, but as long as you do not change the EditorID it will override with your edit.

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In GECK --> Gameplay --> Settings. It will not show up under Game Settings in FO3Edit until you edit one of them in GECK and save to a new plugin. Even then it shows as a new record, but as long as you do not change the EditorID it will override with your edit.


Thanks! With FO3Edit I found (for example) "sSneakCaution" in FWE but without a text. When I move the german translation into the fwe Version the indicators are still in english ingame. Maybe thats because of scripts from FWE for the sneak-indicators.

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FWEConfigMenuQuest [QUST:12FA1699] the script in Stage 10 in the following section:


	;==========	SNEAK MSGs + Settings - 230

if FWEConfigSneakMsg == 1															; Vanilla
	Con_SetGameSetting sSneakCaution "[CAUTION]"
	Con_SetGameSetting sSneakDanger "[DANGER]"
	Con_SetGameSetting sSneakDetected "[DETECTED]"
	Con_SetGameSetting sSneakHidden "[HIDDEN]"

elseif FWEConfigSneakMsg == 0															; FWE
	Con_SetGameSetting sSneakCaution " "
	Con_SetGameSetting sSneakDanger " "
	Con_SetGameSetting sSneakDetected " "
	Con_SetGameSetting sSneakHidden " "

elseif FWEConfigSneakMsg == 2															; immersive
	Con_SetGameSetting sSneakCaution "....."
	Con_SetGameSetting sSneakDanger "..... "
	Con_SetGameSetting sSneakDetected "..... "
	Con_SetGameSetting sSneakHidden "..... "


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thanks for the info!

But I have one last problem.

When I edit the Script in FO3Edit I only change the uncompiled SCTX and not the compiled SCDA. So Ingame there won't be any change.

GECK doesn't let me save the script because of Error-Boxes.


I tried to compile the script via TESSnip but there appears an error, too.

"There were compilation errors: 662: Unrecognised escape sequence"


How can I recompile the edited script?

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Are you running a FOSE enabled GECK? Your GECK shortcut should look like:


"D:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\fose_loader.exe" -editor


FO3Edit can edit source but not compile and I had no idea that TESSnip even had a compiler.

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