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Forcing a script via console command?


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Yes if you know what type of script object it extends and the parameters you can call a script function from the console;


Global Script [ cgf "SKK_GlobalUtility.GetActorInfo" ]


Quest Script [ cqf SKK_REM "SKK_REMControlScript.SpawnCleanup" ]


Actor Script [ 00002f1f.cf "Actor.SwitchToPowerArmor" None ]


ObjectReference Script [ 00050976.cf "ObjectReference.AttachModToInventoryItem" 00215CE3 00154ad8 ]


Learn more here https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_4_console_commands

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I'm trying to get SKE to inject it's settlement menu (after borking my settlement menus then mostly fixing them) and for whatever reason the install chem is nowhere to be found (and I don't see it in the .esp). The script is in the folder though, so I was thinking I could force it to run from the console.


I unfortunately have an inordinate number of mods loaded that cause me any number of conflicts I have to resolve myself. I'm usually pretty good at eventually fixing it (this modding is a game of it's own, aint it?), but this is a new problem, and clearly requires further investigation.


Thanks for the info SKK. If any one knows how to tinker with a script it's you.

I'll look into it further.

Edited by thrax7545
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