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Book and notes are blank


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I don't know when it started but now nearly every book and note has no text and is completely blank. I'm even unable to turn pages, all it does it open to a text-less page and that's it. I say nearly though, because I can still read from mods and oddly enough DLC. So far Hearthfire's (I haven't tried DG yet.) message that the Jarl of Falkreath sends to you has text but every other book and note from regular Skyrim is unreadable. I can still get skill bumps and quests from "reading" books and notes but I can't see anything on the pages.


I've looked around and the only solutions I've seen are update your drivers and something with Teamspeak. I've checked all of my drivers and I haven't even heard of Teamspeak until I looked for a fix to this, so those are out.


Can anyone please help me with this? I have no idea what caused this and I can't find a solution anywhere.

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I have no idea on how to check Papyrus logs or anything, I would have no idea where to look. I can't think of anything that would change script wise that would give me the finger in regards to reading vanilla Skyrim text, I've checked what date I installed mods and they don't go with the time of the issue. I've had the problem...2 days ago(?) and I haven't installed or uninstalled any mods for a while.
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Go to documents and open my games/skyrim Go to you skyrim pref.ini and find bEnableLogging change the zero to 1


After that, play for a bit then quit. Go back to your games then skyrim and you should see a logs file. open it, then open scripts. The one on the top is the latest log. Go to the bottom and see what it says.

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I tried doing that. Each and every time I do though 1 file is always corrupt or something and needs to be fixed. But it never gets fixed and continues to say that it needs to be validated or the like.


Also, funnily enough, I use Janus as my character name and also play as a Dunmer most of the time. So your username and icon is interesting to me.


I've also checked each save I've had and all of them give me blank books.

Edited by Darkdemise13
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  • 7 months later...

Found out it was a mod that changes weights of items, books were included. This is the mod in question if anyone else has this problem and is using this or possibly similar mods: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4918

Took forever to find this post. Quote-bumping in the hopes that other victims of this bug will be able to find it more quickly :smile: Oddly, that mod did not break books until after I purchased Dawnguard and Dragonborn. Not sure which is conflicting, but the mod works fine with only Hearthfire installed.

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