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strange request, maybe no mod even needed...


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Hello, I suffer hard from misophonia ( basically certain sounds drive me nuts ) and one of those just happens to be the sound when your character dries her face after consuming a potion. Due to this I pretty much disable all sound effects and it's quite sad since i really enjoy the monster roars and the sound my bow shots make.


so my question is..how might one go about removing this sound from the game? Would it simply be the case of removing a sound file or would a mod be needed? If it's the 1st, how would i go about identifying which file it might be?


Thanks for any input on this in advance.

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That effect would be in the game's sound files somewhere. Get the "chunk extractor", extract the hefty 40GB .chunk file, then search for information on where the character sounds are kept. From there, you could mod that file (using the relevant tools), or, if you're lucky, and the sound effect in question has its own dedicated file, you could simply rename it, or replace it with a "null" (silent) file of the same name.


I'd say it wouldn't be that difficult, given there already exist character audio mods. Someone here might even know the exact file name you'd be looking for...

Edited by Sablicious
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