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Unkown missing master


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Hi there! First time asking for help on mod forums, so forgive my inexperience. :sad:



I decided to play some of my (heavy moded) skyrim again, i have almost 300 mods, yet all of them work just fine.


I have never touched the game since 10 months ago, nor the files or vortex (for skyrim) only this morning decided to install a new armor mod from nexus and the JankySliders mod then i play for a while, save, and go play another game.


I also changed the Language on steam options to (try) and fix the MCM wrong characters bug, but i really REALLY doubt that changing the langauge has something to do whit an esp whit the ESP that is missing


Now i tried to open the game and it crashed on the Bethesda logo, checked vortex and i get the warning that the master file "RacemenuSKYAVX.esp" is missing, i have not changed the files of the mods: i tried to download racemenu again (nexus) whit no effect. Same whit JankySliders


I have no clue from what mod that master file is from or why is missing.


I cant find info about that ESP name no matter where i search.


Note: I use skyfem.npc that uses TES5edit, but since i havent uninstalled any mod it shuldnt miss any master. since everything is there.



I installed the language the game was using and is still missing.


Any clue of what could be? I dont mind doing a clear installation for the 12th time, but i would prefer to not :D.


Thanks in advice!



note: 2 im unsure of the tags i should use, sorry about that. :confused:

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Well the plugin does appear to be from the Janky Sliders mod found it on the this page:




It does have the esp included in the archive. Being an esp would rule it out as being a master file normally, unless it's been altered with another tool to act like an esm.

Yeah, i noticed just when i was checkign the mod #43 on my Nexus history. Big woops from me.


Have to still spend so hours learning to remove a merged masterfile, still thanks :D

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