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Extensible Follower Framework dialogue option does not work.


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Guys, I'm having an issue I've been trying to fix for the last couple of days. For whatever reason, the dialogue option for EFF does not work for me. Wheel and classic mode work just fine, but when I switch to dialogue the command option that should show in the dialogue options doesn't. I checked for conflicts, tried various different followers and different versions of EFF (4.0.5 and 4.0.3). I also tried different load orders, and used it without RDO and with RDO and patch. I tried disabling radial wheel through the console command set playerfollowermenu 0 (the command in description is wrong, it does not work) and switching to dialogue in MCM. All the same, I have RaceMenu and SKSE up to date too and it's just boggling my mind rn.



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