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Love SkyMoMod. Might turn it off


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I LOVE SkyMoMod. Great work, great critters. Lots of work, and I appreciate it


However, using the 'purist' setting, I still get things like Tundra wolf pups and frostbite spiders working in unison to attack me.


Werebears are EVERYwhere


I appreciate that yes these creatures exist in lore. But I don;t need to see them every five minutes, and puppies and carnivorous spiders shouldn't be teaming up


I've looked at some mods that work with SkyMoMod, but I'm not really seeing what I'm after. I want bizarro-rare critters to be rare, not walking the earth like it's their commute to work, and I also want things like wolves and spiders to not be buddy-buddy. Two spiders? Great. Two wolves? Super. not both together like a tag-team

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i know how you feel. I was just about to try out 'immersive creatures' instead. Seems like it's just better zombies and skeletons with a few wolf variants, and that big machine dragon -though I was just thinking about attempting to mod that one out cause it looks like an angry kite.


all i need now is too choose something to make the regular people shaped targets more difficult.

or possible add the 'nightmare' one.



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Skymomod can be very... silly


Like me being attacked by FOUR of those weird 'ravenn' things that like hagravens on steroids.


When i was level 1


Walking from riverwood to whiterun.


I just get all googly eyed over the gaur. Makes me miss my days as a 13 year old boy playing morrowind 16 hours a day instead of having a social life. :rolleyes:

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