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"Disappearing" items


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So, I've been slowly working away on my first character for the past 6 weeks (just got the game the first of October) and beyond some BSOD issues that I was finally able to resolve I hadn't run into any odd bugs yet. I have all the official DLCs, fully patched up, and have the unofficial patches installed as well. The only mods I went with were ones that only changed the environment but left the game play intact.


Well, last night I head back to Breezehome to unload all my booty and discover that I was missing my +25% Alteration/Conjuration Tunic that I'd stowed with the other 3 match +25% Alt/Conj items I'd used to work through those two skills. I'd decided (before installing SKSE and SkyUI) that it would be much easier to keep each item type in a different container and so far that'd worked out well. So, all my Armor is kept in the big dresser inside the master bedroom upstairs and when I went to drop off some new Dragonbone armor I noticed that I only had 3 of the 4 Alt/Conj items. The tunic was missing! Very strange indeed...


Well, after reviewing a number of older saves I believe I figured out what's happened.


Inside that particular dresser there is a couple of clothing items that respawn and unfortunately, I used the Belted Tunic that had spawned there to create my Alt/Conj Tunic. What appears to have happened is that enchanted version of the tunic got overwritten by the original version because, lo and behold, there is now a Belted Tunic in that dresser instead of the enchanted Tunic I'd left there.


I suppose the moral of the story is to NOT store modified versions inside the same chest that it originally came from because it'll just get overwritten eventually.

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