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Crashing near the Dainty Sload


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I'm doing one of the thieves guild special missions called The Dainty Sload. When I try to get near the boat I CTD. I'm able to go around the boat from a distance and get to the lighthouse but getting any closer will cause me to crash (Picture for where I crash around the boat).


I've tried some things including removing mods, verify the integrity using steam, making a new character to see if it's just that one character but it still crashes. So now i'm wondering if any here can help me figure out this issue.


Load Order: https://modwat.ch/u/Nevinkai/plugins

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Nope no luck here. I don't know how to fix it but if you just want to complete the Thieves Guild quest I can help with that.


All you have to do is open the console type "coc qasmoke" "prid 0007cd38" "moveto player" and after placing the balmora blue type "coc whiterun"

Edited by BigOwl101
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