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Skyrim no longer working after DLing the mod manager


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I downloaded the Nexus mod manager and installed two mods for Skyrim, Caliente's CBBE facepack and Better faces by bella natural edition, for the Housecarls Redone Package in the Steam Workshop. I also would like to note that I tried to manually DL apachiiskyhair before I had the manager Downloaded and that when I did DL the manager it showed up in the plugin section so I deleted it with the intentions of DLing it properly. I went to play the game however it would go to the Bethesda logo then kick me out of the game before the skyrim emblem even showed up. I read on another topic that to check what the problem is all mods should be unloaded and that the games integrity should be checked. I unloaded the Mods and even Deleted the Manager before validating the files. However after the validation check is done it says "1 files failed to validate and will be required." Please help if possible, assuming I have not completely F****d up my game. Edited by SableWarrior23
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