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Strange "Aura-Like" Shadow Problem


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I'm running on a Radeon 7950, When outside where there is a secondary light source, ie. Giant campfire, Shadows arent appearing.... and I seem to remember they used to work when I first got the game. Instead of a real shadow, if you look closely, you may see a "aura" of darkness around my character. I noticed this aura generates whenever the game fails to load a shadow coming from that object (mainly town guards and my character). The stronger the shadow's supposed to be, the darker the aura. Another issue is that Shadows generated by the sun appear to be very very light. (see the first picture)


So I guess my Main questions are,


does anyone else get a shadow from the Giant Camp, or did I remember wrong?


Anyone know a fix for with very light shadows?


Anyone know how to fix the other shadows?


on the side, anyone know anything about the "puddle" of shadow in the first picture? It only happens in that spot in whiterun :P



I noticed a lot of people were also having problems with an ATI Graphics card, where setting shadows to ultra would make them non-existent. I managed to work around that, but now I'm only getting proper shadows from the sun Or from indoor lighting. Lemme know what you think, It has been a Long problem solving process, and I would love to have some input!

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